Thursday, February 3, 2011

eena, eena, eena, eena and ENOUGH!

Meet the 100 mph Simon Sisters!  I ventured out to the the Big D (Dallas) only to find the "eena" sisters; Seena, Reena and Beena with their families who came down from Florida to celebrate baptisms & birthdays.  These ladies in pink are long time friends of mine.  If you know the "eena" sista's...then you know there is never a dull moment or any quiet time!  They don't stop.  Most people who meet them for the first time will need a slow-down button.  I have never met 3 girls that talk as fast as they do!!  Jacob & Lukas were so well behaved for the photoshoot!  Makayla was a little diva in her own right...I mean who likes to take pictures at nap time anyways?  T&T are newly engaged and she fits right in with the "eena" sisters.  Guess what her name is?....TEENA! lol!  The proud Grandparents were beaming with joy to have their whole family together.  Thank you Simon Family for allowing me to capture these special moments for you! Enjoy!♥♥♥

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