Monday, November 22, 2010

One Little, Two Little, Three Little Indians...

I knew it was going to be one of those photo shoots when the oldest of the trio, Jakey came down in his Dallas Cowboys jersey and yelled, “I’m ready!”  Kids typically don’t like photographs, unless they can stick their tongue out and make monster faces!  But this isn’t the first time they’ve seen me in their face with a camera, so I thought it would be a breeze….. more like a tornado!  This was no walk-in-the-park, and mommy Bindu will tell you she was worn out from trying to get them all to smile without crazy faces! Jakey suffered from a case of the missing upper lip. Matthew had frozen smile syndrome and Kayla was lost in translation. In the end, we got some really cute shots! When not in front of the camera, Jakey is an up & coming rock star with serious moves.  Mathew is a loving, caring boy whose smile lights up the room.  Kayla- is their miracle, precious and sweet- all things a girl should be.  Thank you Bin & Sal for letting me photograph the little people who lighten up your life!  ♥♥♥

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