Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not Your Mama's Christmas Tree...

Yes, people I did.  I went there. I put up my Tree on November 1st.  This is all my little cousin, Tiffany’s fault.  She started this tree tornado and I got caught up in all the debris! Then I dragged my sister-in-law, Glennie through the mess as well!  Now I’ve done 4 trees since the first of November and the thing I hear the most is “I don’t know where to begin!”

 Couple Things:  Round ball ornaments with strings attached are not the be all, end all to decorating your tree.  We must think outside the ball my friends!  First come up with a rhyme and a reason.  Get lots of ribbon and attack your tree.

 Go Big or Go Home, Y’all:  Next, place your key pieces.  Key pieces are the gigantic ornaments on crack.  You should have about 8-10 of these no matter what size your tree is! ;)  Next bring on the babies and fill in the gaps.  Baked potatoes are not the only thing best served fully loaded.  Don't be shy, load up those Christmas trees!

Everything-but-the-kitchen-sink:  You are not required to only decorate with ornaments.  Anything can become an ornament.  I have signs in my tree that belong on door knobs.  I stole some stuffed Santa’s from my children’s rooms and stuck those papa’s in my tree.  I have gift boxes in there, yard décor, pine cones from my brother-in-laws yard, and whatever I saw fit.  If your tree is sexy, you might put in a pair of red 4 inch stiletto’s….I’m just sayin… 

3D:  Make things come out of your tree!  Fatten up that tree with some sticks, twisty’s and glittery goodness!  Make sure you have muted tones, shiny objects, earthy elements and glitter.  Hang things upside down like candy canes!  Make it interesting!

Shooting Star always fades:  Stars are slowly being replaced by a spray of fireworks!  Forget that classic star and surprise yourself this Christmas!  Top that tree with a bunch of brightly colored sprays or sticks of berries or incorporate some feathers in there.  Be Creative. 

At the end of the day, your tree is what you make of it.  When I look at a tree I should feel as sense of immediate A.D.D.  I should feel overwhelmed and my mind should be pulled in all kinds of directions.  When this occurs, you've done a good job!  If I have inspired just one person to get up and get that tree out of the attic, then I have accomplished my job.   Saving trees from boredom, one tree at a time!

PS. These views are soley the views of myself.  My husband does not share any of these point of views and\or suggestions.  He thinks I have lost my mind. 

Meet sweet Eloise...

Miss Bleu...a mix of Blue & Bronzes..Browns & pale golds...

Meet Miss Cadbury...a decadence of chocolate and glittery blue goodness!

1 comment:

  1. I need help with the cascading ribbon/mesh part. I just can't get it right.
