Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The Ta-Ta Sisterhood...

Cancer.  It’s the girl next door.  It’s the guy down the street…and for us today, it was the girl on the spin bike next to us.  It was the girl in my weight class next to me.  It was the friend many of us have made as we pass each other daily at LA Fitness in the mornings.  That girl is Jamie Wing.  What I’ve learned this week is not to underestimate the amazing power of people.  Jamie was diagnosed with breast cancer, and it shook a lot of us to the core.  Friends, neighbors, and complete strangers have come together to help out in the smallest of ways.    On this day, we wore our PINK…pink socks, sunglasses, outfits, pink hats and bling and vowed to fight with Jamie and the millions of men and women who suffer from cancer.  With the power of PINK, the power of PEOPLE and the power of PRAYER, we will continue to support her through some testing times. 
  • To all the ladies who are hesitating to make that mammogram appointment, I hope you think twice, for the sake of your family & friends.
  • To the survivors: Steve, Susan & Karyn- hats off to you.  You guys are truly an inspiration.  Your kind spirit and abounding energy resonates from within your hearts.  Now, I understand why you guys work out as hard as you do!  I finally get it.  
  • To you, Jamie - Fight fight fight like a girl!  You can do it!  We are all behind you 110%!!!
We love you!


"Whoever said winning isn't everything, obviously wasn't fighting breast cancer."


  1. This is beautiful Betsy. I know Jamie will use this as inspiration to get through this difficult time.

  2. Betsy the pics are beautiful!! You did an awesome job. I'm sure Jamie will love them.

  3. How powerful! If the people at the gym show this much support, you can get through this. Let me know if there is any thing I can do to help.
