Tuesday, February 8, 2011

A is for Aiden...

This little man is as cute as they come! He has these big eyes and such a calm demeanor.  Little Aiden was all dressed up, a dapper young lad for his First Birthday Party!  What a sight to see with his jacket on and hat to match!  The little ladies were batting their eyes at him vying for his attention!  A ladies man indeed. I even caught him sneaking sweet kisses to one of his lady friends!  Mommy- you better keep a tight leash on this guy! I included a picture with his eyes closed because I'm pretty sure he's using Latisse for longer lashes! lol!  Why is it that boys always get great lashes?!  

 He was so good the whole time, never fussy…..well except when he got some icing on his toes!  Ha ha ha!  Aiden is a very prim and proper gentleman.  He chooses not to partake in such messy activities such as cake trashing!  We all had a good laugh!  Oh what my daughter would do to get her face in that cake!  Happy 1st Birthday handsome! ♥

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